We are SEO Experts

SEO – Search Engine Optimization.
Keyword – a word or phrase used in a search to find the desired information.

Search engines is one of the main ways how visitors, using keywords, find the desired website. Experience shows that the higher a website is listed in the search results, the larger amount of visitors it attracts. In order for the website to attract larger target audience, visitors must be able to find the website in the top ten search results, i. e. the first Google page.

Offered SEO services:

•    keyword analysis;
•    header analysis;
•    website content analysis;
•    adjustment of website content;
•    optimization of website content;
•    analysis of competitors;
•    source code management;
•    inclusion in web directories;
•    report on suggestions;
•    suggestions for advertising campaigns;
•    installation of "Google Analytics" statistics and customer's training;
•    other advertising measures.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The SEO optimization can be provided as a standalone service to improve search rankings of an existing website or as one of the stages of website development. In the latter case, a partial search engine optimization is done at the very early stage of website development.

The SEO optimization of an already existing website may require various changes to be made such as editing of headers, content analysis and alteration, structure or design changes, etc.

SEO Terms & Pricing

The price for optimization depends on the number of chosen keywords and competitiveness in the search, i. e. the number of results shown when entering the keywords into the search. Additional factors: the content management system used, the amount of website content. Normally, the optimization process takes up to 3-6 months to finish, however you should see the first SEO results after 2-8 weeks, depending on market competitiveness.

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